a sonic visual art Huge orchestra
"Sym" means in Latin "friends" and "phone" means "sound" and "phone" is "phun, yes fun". The Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra has an incredible sound of friendship in symphonic music.
It creates a particular friendly melting-pot symphonic art music. This is the sound of the TransCultural Symphony Orchestra: an open music, a pleasure. The TSO don't put musicians in a serious disposal and refuses this aspect of music. To play with the TransCultural Symphony Orchestra is a great feeling of freedom and emotion for everyone. Together all musicians with audience it's a continuous enjoyment of music and art discovering out of established rules.
an unexpected dream realized for music

The Trans-Cultural Symphony Orchestra is open to everybody,

musicians professionals and amators, and visual artists, from all different worlds of art and music, culture and genre.
with passions of exploration, with each own particular personal technique to perform her/his instruments or voice or art.
•|•> Le TransCultural Symphony Orchestra est un grand orchestre symphonique avec des musiciens intérimaires de toutes les cultures de notre planète. Son principe est de confronter différentes cultures musicales et picturales dans une même symphonie (sym-phony qui signifie "ensemble dans l'écoute"). Les deux premières Symphonies, NO 1: Le Boxon Ensemble et NO 2 Le Beau Chaos, furent données respectivement en 1996 (date de la création du TransCultural Symphony Orchestra dans le cadre des Arts de l'Etrange produit par Centre De La Bombe) et en 1998 ˆ Forgues. Le TransCultural Symphony Orchestra accepte tout le monde ayant le désir de participer à la création d'une sym-phonie sans préjugé, car telle est son but: passer un bon moment tous ensemble.

For each Symphony Mathius Shadow-Sky creates a new composition and conducts with particular gestures according to people of the orchestra.



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présentation de la Syn-phônê NO 3

classical, rock, electronic, world, jazz, techno, hip hop, contemporary, song, experimental, traditional, unclassified music, etc.
ou ici / or here


........ Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Orchestra















La Syn-phônê NO3 du Trans-Cultural Syn-phônê Computer Orchestra intitulée "Office-Music avec-salaire"-se-déroulera-en-200?-au Canada, vraiment ?