De: Losekandt, Tobias à: Mathius Shadow-Sky Date: 8 août 2018 à 16:21 Objet: AW: Urgent, we artists need assistance to apply for Creative Europe Culture funds Dear Mathius, you are right, the procedures for Creative Europe applications are very difficult and not easy to handle. First of all you need 3 Cooperation partners out of 3 European countries to start your project. That means not 3 funding givers rather than cultural practitioners like Festival Makers or Cultural Institutions. All the 3 Cooperation partners have to register themselves at the EACEA: One Cooperation Partner will be the Lead partner and will be responsible for the administration of the project. For that it is important to work with credible and loyal Project partners. As always. ;-) The alternative Funding givers are important to back up the Co-finance Part of your Project. The EU Funding will only cover 50%-65% of your project cost. For that reason it is important to involve national or/and local funding givers to finance the rest of the project. For the project concept it is important to follow the Program priorities of Creative Europe. You have to choose minimum one priority but it is even better to choose three out of five. 1. European wide Mobility 2. Audience Development 3. Digitalization 4. New Business Models 5. Training and Qualification The big challenge will be to think your Artistic Concept in the Program and Funding Logic of Creative Europe. Here is the Link to the "Creative Europe Desk Kultur" they provide access to important information about the funding program Creative Europe and they are also specialized consultants for the program: We do offer a workshop with them in October: The workshop will be in German but very interesting for you. I hope that helps a bit. Best Regards, Tobias Losekandt Projektkoordination/Beratung Kulturförderpunkt Kreativ Kultur Berlin - Berliner Beratungszentrum für Kulturförderung und Kreativwirtschaft T +49 (0)30 247 49-772 F +49 (0)30 247 49-710 mailto: Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH Klosterstraße 68, 10179 Berlin Geschäftsführer: Moritz van Dülmen Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dr. Klaus Lederer Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg, HRB 41312 B Kulturförderpunkt Berlin ist Teil des Berliner Beratungszentrums für Kulturförderung und Kreativwirtschaft und ein Projekt von Kulturprojekte Berlin. De: Mathius Shadow-Sky à:, Date: 6 août 2018 à 23:05 Objet: Urgent, we artists need assistance to apply for Creative Europe Culture funds Hello Tobias Losekandt, Melina Gerstemann I know, it is hard to work with somebody you do not know [*], but I am creating the first historical outor long distance spatial polytrajectophonic orchestral concert with Les Guitares Volantes [], and we need help to understand why civil people from European Commission do not understand my request while I fulfil straight as demanded the huge demands of documents by the administration:, and seeing no purpose of so much tasks! [**] How it works for artists as us to get fund by the Creative Europe Culture Cooperation project for our unique outdoor polytrajectophonic music first in Berlin? We, as artists, need some help to fund our first historical spatial outdoor concert at Tempelhof Berlin (and Hyde Park London) by Les Guitares Volantes. There is for now 3 potential funders : a French one: Bureau Export = Impuls Neue Music (in Berlin) a German one: Berlin Senat (host) an European one: New Creative Europe initiative by the European Commission (as complicated administration!). The dead line for New Creative Europe funds for this year for next year is August 31. Here, I am totally lost how to apply! And drawn by the That incomes should be enough to finance the first polytrajectophonic spatial orchestral long distance music of Les Guitares Volantes! COST . Public Address rental: 13 000€/day (estimation by Nicolas Jobet our sound engineer) should be more on longer distances . Rent of 5 wrecking crane to pull up 5 group of loudspeaker in the sky (at 20 metres) . fee per artist: 150€/day (16 musicians + 2 sound engineer + 1 software engineer) . fee for the initiator: 300€/day . transportation from Toulouse: . expenses depend of the concert location (airplane, car, train) . accommodation: 100€/day per person or free hosting There is several concert in preparation. We choose central parks in the central cities (where also funds are). For the first opening open air concert, we choose Tempelhof in Berlin (we are in waiting for allowance from Tempelhof city hall). Then Hyde Park in London. Then... a contact in Switzerland... The purpose of the music is to create a sonic tridimensional ballet in space in the dark in the park with an orchestra of electrical instruments (a core of 4 French electric guitar musicians + 12 invited local musicians, for a relay-concert during the night. For Berlin, we have the engagement of the TU Berlin. The purpose is also to propose an alternative to the usual frontal performance, and to make accepted outdoor spatial (= polytrajectophonic) intelligent music in the park in the dark. It is important to know that this event should be considered as flight essays, because of the historical premiere, because of the accommodation time necessity to produce a suitable music to the context: an outdoor spatial music laboratory. Now, we are waiting for the allowance from Tempelhof city hall about Les Guitares Volantes concert at Tempelhof in september 2019, and at the same time the dead line to apply for some grants for 2019 from Creative Europe ends the August 31! All the Best Mathius Shadow-Sky composer-initiator +33/7 83 07 84 21 the diary of the history of Les Guitares Volantes music adventure: Creative Europe for Cooperative Music project with Les Guitares Volantes Project Title: Les Guitares Volantes: First historical outdour spatial long distance polytrajectophonic live orchestral music, first at Tempelhof Berlin (2019), then at Hyde Park London (2020), and elsewhere in European parks. Project Summary Make spatial polytrajectophonic outdoor orchestral music exists. This music genre was invented by the composer Mathius Shadow-Sky in 1980 (with the first personnal public computer ZX80 done in London in 1983 with his music for flutes: Ourdission). Les Guitares Volantes orchestra is composed with the cor quartet of 4 French musicians from Toulouse, and 12 european invited musicans according to the performance location (i.e. which park in which european city and country wishes to invite the orchestral spatial music ensemble) long distance polytrajectophonic spatial music performs in a park in the dark. Les Guitares Volantes is a laboratory for instrumental spatial music in orchestral context, creating the polytrajectophonic music (as the polyphony in 14th century by composers of Ars Nova) to create the music choreophony of instrumental sounds in the dark in a park. These spatial performances transform the idea of the frontal usual concert: no lights nor blindness, but discrete flying music in huge outdoor free space. To do so, the composer Mathius Shadow-Sky holds the last 6/7 Orfeusz hexaphonic spatialisators with its unique algorithm: the ability of spatialised sound to cross the audience's bodies. This spatial outdoor music needs an important P.A., especially to mix 16 electrical musical instruments in 6 hexaphonic spatialisators on 3 vertical levels: ground (underground = under feet if it possible), ear, and sky; and 3 horizontal levels: centre, peripheral, far-horizon. For now, the area performance place is 100x100m² depending of the context location. This means that each musical instrument is spatialized through a programmable matrix mixing console 16+36=76 (48+48) inputs with 16 auxiliaries + 32 outputs. Number of Loudspeakers needed for an outdoor spatial music performance: 32 centre: 10 = 2x5 Loudspeakers est-west-south-north+centre up (for ground) and down (for sky) = 10 peripheral: SKY: 4 double Loudspeakers for 180°; GROUND: 4 double Loudspeakers for 180° = 16 far away: HORIZON EAR: 3 double Loudspeakers for 180°= 6 Total Loudspeakers needed in space= 32 The orchestra invite also composers (males and females) to propose original instrumental spatial music according to the geophony context. By changing the idea of the usual performance (concert after diner), Les Guitares Volantes follow the concept of the Ephemerodes orchestra-in-relay: which means that Les Guitares Volantes performance has no schedule: it happens during the darkness of the night in the park from solo musicians to the full orchestra. NEEDS TO EXIST: This spatial outdoor music orchestra to exist is dependent to audio device and equipment. 1. the 6 spatialisators Orfeusz 206 + 4 speed control and trajectory direction footpedal [we have] 2. the 52x32 matrix mixing console [we do not have] 3. the 32 loudspeakers in space + amplification [we do not have] 4. to pull up in the sky 5 groups of loudspeakers: 4x2 + 1x5, there is 3 solutions: balloons (max: reaching stratosphere), wrecking crane (max 30m), aluminium totem (max 12m) and cable length available. The purpose for now is to rent this equipment andor to ask loudspeakers builders to join our spatial sonic adventure (for now, L-Acoustics declined, I am looking for other audio partners). The cost of the rental audio equipment for one long distance performance is 10 000 to 15 000 €. Here, we are facing the audio industry tradition: the idea to "cover" homogeneously a maximum individuals in a crowd. The polytrajectophonic spatial music concept works different: with the idea to create heterogeneous perception of instrumental performed flying sounds in a choreophony, where the music change according to the listener location. This concept changes the idea of "the mass selling one product to a crowd" (as maximum money profit). It is why, a company like L-Acoustics is not interested to be our partner. [*] Your contact was given to me by a Berliner "who knows who seems to be in charge for Berlin music events" :) "Hi Mathius, thanks for your mail. I don't offer this service anymore, but you can receive a free consulting here Best, Dominique Schweizer [AMIONT Musik & Kultur | Dominique Schweizer | WWW:]" [**] Last email from European Commission: Status On hold. Waiting for your input. Subject FW: procédure d'enregistrement pour le financement Europe Creative Reference IM0016878063 Message Dear user, Dear Mathius, Thank you for your e-mail. I am afraid I do not understand your issue. May I please ask you to elaborate on the technical problem you are encountering. • provide the link of the application in question • a screenshot of the error you are having Kind regards, Simona